
Earwax is also known as cerumen and is the soft yellow wax that is secreted by glands in your ear canal. Earwax blockage commonly occurs when the earwax becomes lodged and blocks the ear canal. Naturally produced, earwax benefits our ears and ear canals in many ways. Working to naturally lubricate the ear canals and keep dust and debris from getting too far down in the ear canal, earwax is necessary for the overall health and well-being of our ears. While earwax typically clears itself from the ears, in some cases it may become wedged and accumulate, leading to a blockage. There are a handful of symptoms you should be aware of that may require the attention of your ENT doctor . If you are suffering from one of the below listed symptoms, be sure to contact your  ENT doctor.



Symptoms and signs of an earwax blockage may include the following:

  • Itchy ear
  • Pain in the ear
  • Ringing in the ear
  • Hearing loss
  • Pressure in the ear

If an earwax blockage occurs, it may need to be removed by your ENT specialist.



Earwax blockage is most commonly caused due to one of the following:

  • By putting foreign objects that push the earwax deeper into the ear canal into the ear
  • By an inability of the ear to naturally clear itself of the built up wax


When to See Your Doctor

You may need to see your ENT doctor if you are experiencing any of the above listed symptoms of earwax blockage. It is important to be proactive about visiting the doctor when you are experiencing these symptoms, oftentimes because it may be indicative of another condition. Upon contacting your ENT doctor, he will then be able to examine your ear for an earwax buildup or a different problem. It should be noted that while there are many popular home remedies for earwax removal, the safest option is to go through your ENT doctor.



Your ENT doctor will remove the earwax buildup using one of following methods:

  • With a specific instrument: Such as a curette (a surgical instrument shaped like a scoop) or a suction (used once the earwax is loosened)
  • Flushing – This method requires your doctor to rinse the affected earwax using flushing equipment
  • Ceruminolytic agents – This removal method is signified by your ENT doctor recommending a specific liquid-like solution that you will then drop into the ear to soften the earwax